Channel that Energy!

Some of you may not know this, but I LOVE Christmas.  I mean, LOVE it.  I love it so much, I’m pretty sure it get’s on my husband’s nerves, even though he tries to let me enjoy it as much as possible.  He’s of the belief that you don’t start celebrating the season until after Thanksgiving.  I want to extend the celebration as much as possible!  I try not to push too much Christmas on him too soon, though, and because of that, he has been gracious enough to concede to putting the decorations out in the next week.  It’s a compromise.  We’ve learned that’s what marriage is all about. 🙂

I woke up this morning and wanted to put the tree up so badly!  We’d already set the date of decorating (it’s almost like another holiday in this house :)), but I was finding it hard to wait.  I decided to put that excited energy into some prep work for the next couple of days.

I had bought a bag of carrots and a bunch of celery. These two veggies normally go to waste here, since it takes some work to prepare them.  I did all that work in one day, and I feel great about it!  I shredded carrots, chopped celery, diced onions and froze them, and made carrot, sweet potato, and sweet potato and zucchini baby food for Riley.




I got all my prep work for dinner tonight finished early, which made me feel great. 🙂  Plus, I have a stock in the freezer, and Riley has some healthy, homemade food to eat for the next couple of weeks. 🙂


What can you get done ahead of time, to make your life easier?  Try something today; don’t procrastinate! 🙂

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