A Couple of Easy, On-the-Go Meal Ideas

The first of the meals I’ll mention is INCREDIBLY simple, and Jake says it’s very good.


2 Tortillas

1 Banana

4 Tbsp Peanut Butter

2 Tbsp Honey

Spread two tablespoons of peanut butter on each tortilla.  Cut banana in half and lay one half on each tortilla.  Drizzle with honey, roll up, and enjoy! (See? I told you it was simple! :))



Meal Number 2: Macaroni and Cheese

I know not everyone can be satisfied with this as a meal, but we love it, and it’s really rich and filling.  This is how I make homemade Mac N Cheese. 🙂


2 cups of Elbow Macaroni

10 Slices of American Cheese

3/4 Cup of Milk

Salt and Pepper to taste

Cook pasta according to package.  Drain and put back in pan. Turn on low heat. Tear slices of cheese into fourths and throw them in the pan; pour in milk, as well.  Stir until cheese is melted and pasta is coated.

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